Try 1: Try To Fix The Problem By Using Refocus

If you still have Refocus installed, let’s first try to fix the problem by using Refocus.

  1. In Refocus, go to Settings > Advanced Settings. Tap “Fix App Blocking.” Make sure to wait until it completes. Do not close the app.
  2. If (1) does not fix the issue, go to the Refocus “Home” tab and delete all the sessions.
  3. If (2) does not fix the issue, repeat (1).
  4. If (3) does not fix the issue, go to iOS “Settings” app, press “Screen Time,” and turn off “Refocus” under ‘APPS WITH SCREEN TIME ACCESS’.
  5. If (4) does not fix the issue, restart the device.
  6. If (5) does not fix the issue, delete Refocus.
  7. If (6) does not fix the issue, try restarting the device again.
  8. If (7) does not fix the issue, move onto next step.

Try 2: Try To Fix The Problem By Using Apple’s Screen Time

You now have Refocus deleted, you restarted the device multiple times, but the apps are still blocked. It could be that something else that’s not Refocus that is blocking the apps.

  1. In iOS, go to “Settings” app, press “Screen Time,” press “Downtime” and ensure there is no Downtime scheduled.


  2. If (1) does not resolve the issue, in iOS, go to “Settings” app, press “Screen Time,” press “App Limits” and ensure there is no app limit set.


  3. If (2) does not resolve the issue, go to “Settings” app, press “Screen Time,” and see if you have a “APPS WITH SCREEN TIME ACCESS” section. If you do, ensure all apps there are turned off.


  4. If (3) does not resolve the issue, go to “Settings” app, press “Screen Time,” and turn off Screen Time by pressing “Turn Off Screen Time.”

  5. If (4) does not resolve the issue, restart the device again.

  6. If (5) does not resolve the issue, try to force restart the device.